Alexander Ross

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Configure RuboCop for your project

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide.

-- From their GitHub

We use RuboCop for most of our projects at Standout AB . It will help the team to follow the style guide we all agreed on. If we change our opinion it is also easy to just change the .rubocop.yml file to match it.

Installing and configure RuboCop is pretty simple if you are following this Ruby Style Guide.

Just add it to your Gemfile

gem "rubocop", require: false

And then run bundle install in your terminal to install it.

You will already be able to run rubocop in the terminal to analyze your code.

Project specific configurations

If you're not completely satisfied with the Ruby Style Guide as is you can create a file called .rubocop.yml and add your settings there. Take a look at the gem's default configuration files to get an idea of what you can change to match your or your's team coding style.

Our configuration file looks like this:

# .rubocop.yml

  RunRailsCops: true
  DisplayCopNames: true
  DisplayStyleGuide: true
    - "bin/*"
    - Capfile
    - config/boot.rb
    - config/environment.rb
    - config/initializers/version.rb
    - db/schema.rb
    - Gemfile
    - Guardfile
    - Rakefile

    - "config/**/*"

  Enabled: false

  Enabled: false

  Enabled: false

  EnforcedStyle: no_space

  EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

  AllowPredicates: true

  Enabled: false

Feel free to copy and change. You can also get the up to date version with curl at any time.

curl -o .rubocop.yml

Ignore current errors for bigger projects

If you're not starting a new project you may find out that you already have a lot of errors and warnings when you run rubocop. If you have a huge code base and not the time to fix it all now, you can tell RuboCop to create you a todo file. The point of this file is to ignore all current errors and you should try to remove settings from this file over time until you can remove the hole file.

This file is called .rubocop_todo.yml and can be created using:

rubocop --auto-gen-config

You also need to add this at the top of your .rubocop.yml file to load it:

inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
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